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We need your help!

“Strengthening New Zealand’s oldest yacht club for future generations – a hub for community connection, education, sport & recreation on the Nelson waterfront”

As a club, we are facing a massive challenge to raise funds to complete a programme of seismic strengthening on our main building. By doing so, we hope to ensure the sustainability of the club in our fantastic location on Nelson’s waterfront. The video below was shot during the NZIODA South Island Optimist Clinic in December 2023, and gives a good idea of the location.

Publicity for our fundraising efforts started with an article in the Nelson Mail / Stuff on the 7th February 2024:

Why is this project so important?

  • Save a valued community facility, and to ensure the safety of its occupants.
  • Secure revenue streams that underpin the sustainability of the club into the future.
  • Part of a long term strategy to mitigate / adapt to the effects of sea level rise.
  • It is an icon of the Nelson Waterfront and is in the Wakefield Quay Heritage Precinct.
  • Opportunity cost – If we lose it now, we may never be able to replace it.

The Boat Storage Area is fundamental to the club operations, housing the safety boats and equipment that support both the club activities, those of Sailability Nelson, Nelson Bays Team Sailing, and the Nelson Triathlon & Multisport Summer Sea Swims.

The Aurora Lounge is used for club events and regional, national & international regattas. It is also a fantastic waterfront venue available to the wider community. There are many Nelsonians who have celebrated their wedding, or said goodbye to loved-ones in the lounge, and community groups such as the Haven Choir use it on a regular basis.

The mezzanine above the Aurora Lounge includes the club office, committee room, and the Control Room – the key lookout and safety coordination point for club racing and regattas. This is also used for coordinating the Tasman Bay Cruising Club Wednesday night racing.

Check out our YouTube Channel

We’re collecting stories from sailors at the club. From those just starting out like Taimārino through to those still sailing in their 70’s like Brian Wislang.


How did we get here?

In 2022, after completing projects to encase the piles, the club’s administration committee engaged AMK engineers to undertake an initial seismic assessment of the club’s main building, built in 1989. This encompassed the Boat Storage Area, Aurora Lounge, and Mezzanine.

After a desktop study and visual inspection, AMK advised that the building was likely to be below 34% of New Building Standard (NBS). AMK were subsequently engaged to complete design work to bring the building up to >67% NBS.

Drawings were completed, a building consent exemption was applied for and granted, and a tender process completed. 3 tenders were received from local contractors, all within 10-15%, and a preferred contractor has been selected.

What next?

Due to one of our major grant requests being unsuccessful, we are now splitting the project into two stages.

Stage 1 – Superstructure – winter 2024 ~$250k

Stage 2 – Ground Anchors – winter 2025 ~$250k

We have club reserves of $120,000 allocated to the project, a successful grant of $45,000 from Lion Foundation, ~$20,500 of donations and public fundraising. With another ~$30,000 grant yet to be decided, we are close to funding Stage 1 of the project, and the club’s Administration Committee has decided to go ahead over this winter. The key to starting now is to minimise the impact on the sailing season, the use of the Aurora Lounge venue, and key stakeholders like Nahm restaurant in the adjacent building. We desperately need to source the additional ~$65k ASAP. Any additional funding will mean we can hold back some of the club reserves towards completing Stage 2 next winter.

Below is a selection of photos of some of the awesome activity that the club facilities support for the Nelson community.