During school terms 4 and 1 we run blocks of after-school and weekend sessions for sailing, windsurfing and wingfoiling groups.
The 7-week term is $275, and membership of NYC is required*
*A sailor may do an initial course as a non-member, but for all subsequent courses, they will need to become a member.
Membership & registration for a term of training also gives free access to the club equipment at designated times:
- Sailors are encouraged to come on Saturday afternoons to participate in Green Fleet activities.
- Windsurfers can use equipment for free on Sunday afternoons as part of our supervised hire sessions.
- Wingfoilers can use equipment on Fin & Foil Fridays.
- All subject to availability & suitable conditions.
Membership also gives a number of other benefits – find out more
Please note, we do not run programmes during Term 2 or 3.

Term 1 Schedule – By Day
Our after school sailing and windsurfing for term 1 kicks off after Waitangi Day, with the first session being Monday 10th February. There are 7 weeks in the block, with some flexibility in the case of extreme weather.
These groups are subject to change due to availability of instructors, and demand.
The latest availability can be found by starting the registration form.
- Optimist Intermediate
- Optimist Advanced
- Topaz Beginner
- RS Feva Advanced
- Optimist Improver
- Fusion Intermediate
- Windsurfing Beginner
- Opti Squad Training
- 29er Squad Training
- Optimist Beginner
- Fusion Intermediate
- Wingfoiling Improver
- Topaz Beginner
- Fusion Intermediate
- RS Feva Advanced
- Optimist Beginner
- Optimist Improver
Term 1 Schedule – By Group
We run a large variety of different groups, so any particular group may only have a few options during the week.
These groups are subject to change due to availability of instructors, and demand.
The latest availability can be found by starting the registration form.
- Wednesday 15:45 – 17:45
- Saturday 10:30 – 12:30
- Tuesday 15:45 – 17:45
- Saturday 10:30 – 12:30
- Monday – 15:45 – 17:45
- Monday – 15:45 – 17:45
- Tuesday – 15:45 – 17:45 – Optimist Open Fleet (own boats only)
- Friday – 15:45 – 17:45 – Optimist Advanced / Green Fleet (own or club boats)
- Monday – 15:45 – 17:45
- Thursday – 15:45 – 17:45
- Tuesday – 15:45 – 17:45
- Wednesday – 15:45 – 17:45
- Thursday – 15:45 – 17:45
- Monday – 15:45 – 17:45
- Friday – 15:45 – 17:45
- Tuesday – 15:45 – 17:45
- Other groups may be possible if there is demand
- Wednesday – 15:45 – 17:45 – Improver
Term 4 registrations open 14th August.
Term 1 registrations open 11th December.
If you are new to the club and want to register a NEW sailor for a training group, please click the button and complete the registration form. This will create a profile and login for you within our membership management and booking system powered by Friendly Manager.
For any subsequent registrations or if you already have a login (eg. if you have an older child already registered), you will not be able to use this form. Instead, you must;
- LOG IN to your profile
- Click “Register Now”
- Select the appropriate form
- Remove or add sailors as necessary.
- Update any details
- Select the relevant GROUP.
Please note – Anyone who has completed a previous course with the club in the past 12 months must also become an NYC Youth Member in order to participate in further courses.