Learn to sail, learn to windsurf or learn to wingfoil as an adult. Yes, it is not too late to get hooked on watersports at Nelson Yacht Club!
A good first step is to have a 90 minute “Taster” – either book with a friend or family member, or we’ll pair you up with someone. We also offer private tuition, and this is the only option for our foiling lessons.
We run 12 hour courses; either over a single intense weekend, or over a series of 6 weekday evenings.
You can be a non-member and do an initial course, but for any subsequent courses everyone needs to become a member.
Please do check out the info below on the types of boats/equipment and format of courses, and feel free to give us a call to discuss the best option for YOU!

Pricing (sailing / windsurfing / wingfoiling)
90 minute Taster :
- $90p/p based on a minimum of 2 people.
12hr Group courses (sailing / windsurfing only):
- $360 as a non-member / $295 as an NYC member*
*If you have not done a course with us in the past, but you want to do the Improvers/Intermediate course as a non-member, then you can pay $360.
Private Tuition:
- $125/hr or $499 for 5hrs as a non-member
- $105/hr or $420 for 5hrs as an NYC member
NB. We run all our adult wingfoiling lessons as private tuition. If there are two of you, you may be able to combine your lessons to share 2hrs between you. Price includes support from a coach boat and BBTalkin Bluetooth headset communication as appropriate.
2hr clinic / Drop-In Session
- $90 as a non-member / $60 as an NYC member – Subject to availability
Each group requires a minimum number of participants in order to run. If we haven’t quite reached that minimum, the start date may be altered to allow more time for sign ups.
Weekly evening courses – 6 weeks (18:00 – 20:00):
- Mondays – Wāhine on Water (women only) – starting 10th February
- Beginner Sailors – Learn to Sail Level 1 Course
- Improver Sailors – Have done Level 1, working on further skills
- Windsurfing Group – Beginner Level
- Tuesdays – check out Twilight Racing
- Wednesdays – starting 12th February
- Beginner Sailors – Learn to Sail Level 1 Course
- Improver Sailors – Have done Level 1, working on further skills
- Fridays – starting 14th February
- Beginner Sailors – Learn to Sail Level 1 Course
- Beginner Windsurfing – Learn to Windsurf Course
- Foiling Fridays (supervised session)
Weekend Courses (10:00 – 16:30 Sat & Sun):
- Learn to Sail Level 1 – 2nd & 3rd November
- Learn to Sail Level 1 – 7th & 8th December
- Learn to Sail Level 1 – 11th & 12th January
- Learn to Sail Level 1 – 15th & 16th February
- Learn to Sail Level 1 – 1st & 2nd March
- Intermediate Sailing – Dates TBC
- Learn to Windsurf – 2nd & 3rd November
- Learn to Windsurf – 7th & 8th December
- By arrangement – if a couple of hours of coaching in a group is something that interests you, rather than a full course, get in touch! This works particularly well as a refresher session, or for a specific skill.
If you hav already done a course with us and you have a club profile, you must:
- LOG IN to your profile and complete registrations there – a good opportunity to update any details too 🙂
- Hit the “Register Now” button
- Select the relevant registration form (E.g. Adult Programmes),
- update/complete and required fields and then select the relevant GROUP.
If you have not done a course with us before, and you do not have a club profile, please click the “Register Now” button here:
Learn to Sail Fleet
We have different formats/courses that use different boats depending on your water-confidence and agility.
Fusion / Topaz Uno
- used for all our group beginner courses
- If you don’t mind the idea of getting tipped into the water and capsizing, then the Fusion / Topaz Unos are for you!
- We have up to 6 students each in their own boat with an instructor teaching from a patrol boat.
- You get to spend more time on the helm (steering).
- We run most of our Learn to Sail courses in this format.

Topaz Omega
- perfect for private tuition
- Ideal for Tasters, Private Tuition & for larger or less agile adults.
- Durable plastic training boat, with asymmetric spinnaker and trapeze for more advanced training.
- Can comfortably fit 3 adults with an instructor on board.

RS Fevas
- taking the next step!
- These are the new boats in the fleet and reserved for more experienced sailors.
- Adult single-hander, or double-hander (smaller adults)
- Asymmetric Spinnaker / Gennaker

Learn to Windsurf Kit
Beginner windsurfing lessons are taught on high volume (225l), wide, and heavy plastic boards that give maximum stability. The boards have a retractable centreboard to enable steering and sailing across the wind.
We also have smaller boards (160L / 180L) with centreboards that are more suited to youths and the smaller/lighter learners, or as a good progression board. For more advanced windsurfers, we go all the way down to 70l wave boards.
Rigs are lightweight, with reduced diameter masts and booms, and dacron sails that make them easier to pull up and generate power in light winds. We have training rigs from 2.0m2 up to 4.8m2.
Once you’ve got the hang of it, or for more advanced windsurfers, we have fully battened RAF freeride sails up to 7.4m and camber-induced sails all the way up to 9.2m2.

Learn to Wingfoil Kit
Beginner wing lessons take place on our beginner windsurfing boards or stand-up paddleboards, with a selection of different sized wings available to suit the students and the conditions.
For “First Flight” lessons, we have Naish 140l Crossover boards that offer a good balance of stability, waterline length and weight. When paired with our dedicated beginner foils from Armstrong, they are a great platform for learning to foil.
We also have a selection of smaller boards, foils and wings to try from brands such as Armstrong, Naish, PPC, and Sic Maui.
For more information on the brands and equipment that we either stock or have access to, head here: Https://wingfoiling.nelsonyachtclub.org.nz or get in touch – wingfoiling@nelsonyachtclub.org.nz